Wednesday, June 18, 2008

summer ahead.

so today is the first full day spent back at my parents house this summer. its been interesting to say the least. though i've dreaded moving back, the first day back, i'm having a good feeling about it.

after the long 7 hour drive of stupid detours and road construction around hwy 5, i arrived at home at 3am tuesday morning. i brought all my luggage into the house and went straight to the fridge.  
what kind of shit is that?
i know, i cant help it. i'm fat. it was a fuckin treasure chest tho i swear there were like 8 different filipino dishes plus 2 different kinds of desserts and some fuckin bbq. i was STOKED! haha 
i made me a plate and wandered the rest of the house just to check the scene. my dog cooper weirdly didnt wake up and come out to greet me. he must have been tired... along with both my parents cuz i made so much ruckus hoping they'd wake up but they were knocked out.
anyway, while my food is heating up, my next mission is to find my BED. my grandma had been living with my parents for a while so she had my room. whenever id visit on weekends, i would have to sleep in my brothers room with him, but she had left for the Philippines just a few days before my arrival, so i was taking my old room back. i went into the room expecting all her stuff to be there still but all her stuff was almost gone. i had to clear a few things but i made sure my bed was ready and made myself comfortable... before i went to sleep i told myself my project this week was to make the room MINE AGAIN.

i probably slept until 230pm knowing i had absolutely NOTHING to do the next day. it felt really good. i got up to greet my dad and brother and went back to bed. sweet! i chilled in bed til my mom called around 6 talking about plans to go OUT to eat, MY PICK! dude, could it get any better? we go to my fave sushi spot and mom tells me to order anything i want. i ordered at least 5 different items just because i always wanted to myself but knew i could never afford it without her. haha. spoiled brat! anyway after we order, all my mom wants to talk about is PLANS for summer. depsite all the money ive needed from her while not working, she doesnt mention me getting a job and is asking me where i want to go for the summer. shes trying to take like 50 vacation days off from work and wants to travel every weekend! shes willing to take me where ever i want to go and to give me the money to go where i want to go. 
i dont even want to take advantage. i dont even have a job, i dont feel like i deserve it. ever since i was 15, old enough to work with a government issued work permit, ive worked for everything i had. but the best part about our conversation over dinner was that my mom announced that shed pay for every concert that me and my brother want to go to this summer. she KNOWS how much we love going to concerts, so she said she'd pay for all of them. i'm mos def down for that!


that also means ill be seeing john mayer and going to rock the bells. any other concerts? fuck it, im going. WOO! im fucking excited. i was planning to go to the philippines this summer to travel the beaches, but its the rainy season there til september so i think my brother and i are going to go to hawaii! its going to be fucking awesome. plus ill turning 21 in july so i've got vegas trips LINED up. YAY. im also excited for all of the family vacations my mom has planned. i love my mom. my family could not be so amazing without her. 

anyhow after dinner my brother and i share our music libraries and put each other "up on game" if you wanna say in our different favorite genres. this summer is also the summer i want to spend cleaning up all the titles in my music library plus expanding. gunna be a long summer, hope my tendonitis doesnt act up. 

finally, because getting a job isnt practical for all the vacations i want to go on, im just going to spend the summer working on my mom's house, kinda like working for her. shes so busy and no one helps her out around the house, its not that clean and its cluttery. my plan is to clean out all the junk, organize all their stuff, and literally repaint, redecorate, and organize every room. she already gave me the okay to spend for paint supplies, new furniture, new coffee tables, and all kinds of stuff. hooray, i also just decided to major in communications with a concentration on advertising and marketing. design school after to pursue my dream to be an interior decorator. sick, this summer i get to practice. 

then tonight, it was interesting trying to get fucked up with my brother at home. i think by the time summer ends, i'll be a pro at that. muahahahahhah! 

ive rambled enough, long story short. folks, things are looking up.

wishing happiness upon you all,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

i want 'something else'

robin thicke is coming out with a new album called 'something else.' AHHHHH! im so fuggin excited. i love robin thicke. he is an amazing artist with a soulful voice who consistently releases good tracks. his songs arent the type of songs that get played out either!! dont even lie, you know you can listen to 'wanna love you girl' or 'lost without you' all day everyday. 

anywho, his new single is called "magic." you should def peep it

if you're also not up on your robin thicke game, please check out the following tracks. they just  might be a sample of why i love him so much.
-you center me
-a beautiful world
-the stupid things
-i'm not loving you
-lil wayne's track, tie my hands off the carter 3

and the last song which brings me to my next point. the carter 3. def cop it. 

k thats enough for today. 

happy thursday all.